Why invest in
Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan?

Now manage your household and meet your expenses in time by investing in Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan.

Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan is a regular income plan that allows you to invest your savings and get the earnings on your investment as profit on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. The plan has no fixed term holding period requirement. It also offers free Takaful Coverage.
Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan (AIMMP) is ideal for investors who:

  • Want to get regular income

  • Want to invest savings and get monthly profit

  • Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan – landing page
    Al-Ameen Islamic Mahana Munafa Plan – landing page

    Invest wisely, Invest today in AIMMP

    For more details: Click here

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      All investment in mutual fund/plan(s)/Voluntary pension scheme is subject to market risk. Past performance  is not necessarily indicative for future results. Please read the consolidated offering document to understand the investment policies and risk involved. Use of name and logo of UBL Bank/UBL Ameen as given above does not mean that they are responsible for the liabilities/obligations of UBL Fund Managers and Al-Ameen Funds or any investment scheme managed by them.

      UBL Funds may share commission out of management fee earned to the sales teams of the Company or its distributor(s) earned on his/her/their own investment(s)