Al-Ameen Islamic Energy Fund
Aims to provide long term capital growth by investing in Shariah Compliant listed securities of energy sectors

Why invest in Al-Ameen Islamic Energy Fund Plan?
High Returns
Exposure in Energy Sector
Minimum Investment: Rs. 500
The objective of (AIEF) is to provide investors with long term capital growth from an actively managed portfolio of Shariah Compliant listed equities belonging to the Energy Sectors as defined below; the petroleum industry, including oil and gas exploration companies, oil refiners, oil marketing, fuel transport and end-user sales at gas stations the gas industry, including natural gas extraction, and coal mining, as well as distribution and sales the electrical power industry, including electricity generation, electric power distribution and sales the coal industry as well as distribution and sales the nuclear power industry as well as distribution and sales the renewable energy industry, comprising alternative energy and sustainable energy companies, including those involved in hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power generation, and the manufacture, distribution and sale of alternative fuels.
Al-Ameen Islamic Energy Fund (AIIEF) is ideal for investors who:
- Want to avail Long-term capital appreciation.
- Want help to achieve their financial goals.
- To get exposure in Energy sector
Al-Ameen Islamic Energy Fund
Need more information about the fund? Here’s what you need to know.
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