Al-Ameen Voluntary Pension Fund - KPK
Pension ko Munafa Baksh banayen Al-Ameen Funds Kay Sath!

Why invest in Al-Ameen Voluntary Pension Fund - KPK?
Competitive Halal Returns
Avail attractive Tax benefits
Free Life Insurance/ Takaful Coverage
Start investing with Rs. 1,000
Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had amended the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Civil Servants Act, 1973, in 2021 and the Pension structure has been changed for all new KP Govt. employees after the notification.
New employees who joined service on or after 7th June, 2022 will be part of the new Pension system introduced by KP Government.
Al-Ameen Voluntary Pension Fund – KPK aims to provide Employees with an individualized, funded (based on defined contribution) as well as flexible pension scheme which is managed by professional investment managers to assist them to plan and provide for their retirement. The design of the allocation scheme empowers the Employees to invest their pension savings as per their desired asset allocations
The scheme offers employees an easy and affordable means of growing their retirement savings in Shariah Compliant Money Market, Debt and Equity sub-funds, so that they can live a financially independent and rewarding life after retirement. Our Islamic Voluntary Pension Scheme is an excellent avenue to invest money according to Shariah Principles.
Contact our team for more information about Islamic Voluntary Pension Scheme.
Al-Ameen Voluntary Pension Fund – KPK is ideal for investors who want:
- To save towards your retirement in Shariah Compliant mode, starting with as low as Rs. 1,000/- and subsequent contributions at will.
- Govt. of KP as well as employees will both contribute a lump sum amount or invest periodically. Employee can optionally contribute more from his salary on his own.
- To invest in different asset classes to have a diversified portfolio*
- To avail tax credit on their investment.
- To transfer the balance from Conventional to Shariah compliant scheme or from Shariah compliant to Conventional with the same Pension/Asset Management Company or transfer any other Pension/Asset Management Company free of cost, any time under the VPS rules, 2005.
* During first three years, 100% allocation will be made in Shariah Compliant Money Market Sub-Funds only. After 3 years completion, employees may choose customized allocation.
Note: Any early withdrawal OR in excess of 20% withdrawal at OR after retirement will attract Withholding tax as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (U/s 23A of Part 1 of The Second Schedule). Income from Income Payment Plans is also subject to income tax in the hands of Participant as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 w.e.f 1st July, 2022 as the exemption has been withdrawn through The Finance Act, 2022.
Al-Ameen Voluntary Pension Fund – KPK
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